ZDROWIE Module 11

1    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1    Your knee/ankle attaches your leg to your foot.

2    You can easily get addicted/attached to some cough syrups.

3    We have five fingers/toes on each foot.

2    Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: runny. rash. stornach, heart. temperaturę. Dwa wyrazy sa dodatkowe.

1    Take your...............to see if you’ve got a fever.

2    I need morę tissues please. I have a...............nose.

3    The...............pumps blood around your body.

3    Podkreśl właściwe słowo.

1    I broke/tore my arm when I tripped and fell on the kerb.

2    What signs/symptoms do you have?

3    He ate some bad berries and got food/fruit poisoning.

4    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwa opcję.

1    Manya...............her ankle during track practice.

A sprained    B wounded

2    If you have a...............throat, take some cough syrup.

A hurt    B sore

3 ...............in and out slowly so the doctor can listen to your lungs.

A Breathe    B Puff

5    Dopasuj do siebie wyrażenia. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki.


1.    If Jessica has some free time after school

2.    Unless Mikę cuts down on sugar,

3.    When it snows,

4.    If you need any help,

5.    When you mix yellow and blue,

6.    If the children are tired,

7.    When the sun is strong,

6 Przeczytaj wiadomość, która Jonathan nawiasach czasowniki we właściwej formie.


a)    they must go to sleep.

b)    people usually dress warmly.

c)    she can play basketball with her friends.

d)    he won't lose weight.

e)    you get green.

f)    people wear sunglasses.

g)    ask me.

ł do swojego przyjaciela Toma i wpisz podane w

Dear Tom,

I was sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at school. Here are some tips that I am surę they

(1)_(help) if you (2)_(follow) them. Don't wait for your classmates to make

the first move. If you (3)_(try) to talk to them during the break, they (4)_

(get) to know you better. If you (5)_(not/have) the chance to do that, have a party and invite

the whole class. Things (6)_(be) easier if they (7)_(come) to your place.

You can also make friends after school. If you (8)_ (join) a sports club, you

(9)_ (meet) a lot of kids with common interests. You could also write for the school

newspaper. If you (10)_(do) that, you (11)_(get) morę involved in school


Hope my tips will help. Write back and let me know.




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