1    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1    Jamie's favourite breakfast is scrambled/roasted eggs.

2    Do you take/give lemon in yourtea?

3    We need a bag/packet of spaghetti for supper.

2    Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: fizzy. fatty. pizzeria. sparklina, cafe. Dwa dodatkowe.

1    When you are on a diet, you must avoid...............foods.

2    Bobby prefers milkło...............drinks.

3    Tony's...............makes the best lasagne in town.

3    Podkreśl właściwe słowo.

1    Are you ready to order/serve?

2    That's the best pie l’ve ever had. It's nutritious/delicious!

3    You can use the peeler/sieve to remove the skin from potatoes.

4    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwe słowo

1    ...............the soup in a bowl.

A Offer    B Serve

2    Food is very............... without spices and seasonings.

A bland    B salty

3    Please buy a...............of coffee from the supermarket.

A bottle    B jar

4    Could you...............me the butter, please?

A) pass    B) book

5 ...............the cheese and then put it on the pizza.

A) Grate    B) Peel

5    Wybierz i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1    Calm down. There's something/nothing to worry about.

2    Let's sit down somewhere/anywhere and talk.

3    I heard a knock at the door, but there was somebody/nobody there.

4    We didn’t see nothing / anyting.

5    Anyone/No-one understands me.

6    Did someone/anyone see Keanu Reeve's latest film?

6    Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi w ankieci. Użyj: How much/How manv/much/manv/a lot of/a few/a little.

1    Q -_bread do you eat every day?

A -1 eat_bread. I have it with all my meals.

2    Q -_chips do you eat each weeks

A -1 don't eat chips. I have them one or twice.

3    _coffee do you drink in a day?

I only drink_coffee. I have maybe one dup a day.

7    Wstaw: few, a few, little, a little.

1    We have got_new books in our library. Do you want to borrow one?

2    Shall I buy cheese for the cake? I think there is_in the fridge. lśni that enough?

3    There were very_people at the party. It was really boring.

4    l've got very_milk. You must go to the shop and buy some if you want your cereal for breakfast.


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