1    Wybierz właściwe słowo.

1    Can you pick up some lettuce fromthe florist’s/greengrocer’s, please?

2    I couldn't get any money from the post office/cash machinę yesterday.

3    I always pay with my credit/discount card when I shop Online.

2    Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami: billboards, refund. borrow, posters, lend. Dwa są dodatkowe.

1 They put up...............for the school dance on the bulletin board.

2    Can I...............your blue dress for the dance on Saturday?

3 l’d like to return these trainers and get a................please.

3    Podkreśl właściwe słowo.

1    What a great offer! Buy one and get one online/free!

2    Jake bought some light bulbs at the electrical/sports shop.

3    You can try on the skirt in the fitting/clothes room.

4    Wybierz właściwa opcję.

1    She buys a cookery magazine every week at the................

A newsagenfs    B stationer’s

2    Julie bought me a...............from the toy shop for my birthday.

A puppy    B teddy bear

3    l’m afraid I don’t have any loose...............in my purse.

A change    B notes

5    Wstaw: to lub for.

1    You need a lot of experience_this job.

2    Do you wear glasses_reading.

3    I wish we had a garden_children_play in.

4    We'll need morę time_make a decision.

6    Dobierz i połącz dwa zdania w jedno tak. Użyj so lub such.

Example: She worked hard. She madę herselfill. She worked so hard (that) she madę herselfill.

1    I was tired.    I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.

2 The musie was loud.    We decided to go to the beach.

3 It was a beautiful day.    You could hear it from miles away.

4 I had a big breakfast.    You would think it was her native language.

5    She speaks English well.    I couldn't keep my eyes open.



3 _

4 _

5 __

7    Użyj własnych pomysłów na dokończenie poniższych zdań. Pamiętaj o poprawności ortograficznej.

1    I don’t like London very much. It's so_

2    I don't like London very much. It's such_

3    lt's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for so_

4    lt's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for such_

8    Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami:

the reason why so that    sińce    in order to due to

1    She is saving up money_she can buy a new house.

2    She sent an e-mail to the bank manager_apply for the position of a secretary.

3 _heavy rains, our trip to the lakeside has been cancelled.

4    I didn't go to the butchefs_I had some mince in the fridge.

the flight was delayed is that one of the passengers on board started a fight.


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