
Zipper in a Turtleneck Sweater

This turtleneck swenter i* worked in single shaker knlttinp wirh the rough side nn the outsidc. The collar, worked in 1 x 1 ribhtng. is sewn down on the thsidc- The front zipper rcacho to the top edge of the tumed collar. Since the neck can be worn Opcn, the zipper should be coeercd by a facing on the inside.

At the Jivbion into the 2 sklcs, work the center ptirl stitch a> a -el-vedgc stitch on 1 side. For the other side, cast on a new sehedge stitch.

Scw the zipper in so that it etnb aknit •' be Iow hall' of the collar. Tum the collar to the inside and loosely sew it on wtth slip stitches.

For the inside facing, cast on 9 stitches and work in stockinette stitch for abmit V. Then bind off the center stitch and finish the 2 halve.s separately. Pin rhc facing on and sew ii down.

On iluś turtleneck swcaicr. the ztppercochts up mto the collar.

Sew ilu: niskie facing nuto the terong side nf the unrłi.

Shortening a Zipper

If you can't find a zipper of the correct length, buy one that is a liltle longer and shorten it to the desired length. Sew a new stop at the appropriate loca tion, usmg a double buttonhole thread. Then cut off the rost of the zipper below it.



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