Blocking pms, tapcstry needles. stitch Iwlden
Yitm hmes
Knitting dotly
Stitch Marker*, Row Countcrs, Needlc Guards Stitch markers are awailable In different colors and sizes. They make it easier to couni stitches .md rows, and they can he used tor marking pattern scctions, such a* an urmhole.
Row counters can bc slipped orno rhe knit ling needlc. For knitting in the round, there are also row count-crs with opcn loops.
Needlc guards are not intendeJ to protect the needles hut rather to keep the stitches from slipping off the needles when you are nor knitting.
Yam Guides, Bobhins For knitting jacquard pattems, 2-cyed yam guides are awailable for 2-color knitting; others with 4 nocches are avnilable for multicolor knitting.
Bohhns are availahle in 2 sizes. They arc vcry helpful when knitting smali areas in a different color and for intarsia knitting.
Linc Marker
Using a linę marker will always keep you on ihe correct row w Iren youre workłng off a pattern chart.
Blocking Pins, Tapcstry Needles, Stitch Molders
For blocking knitted pieces, Hockin^: pins arc longcr and castcr to handle than normnl sewing pins.
Tapestry needles ot blunt needles shotild 1x2 »sed for sewing togcthcr knitted piece*, securing yam ends, or for emhroidery.
Stitch holdcrs arc cxtr.i«long safety pins. They can be used to hołd stitche.s that will K* worked later. such as those lor pocket hands, or ii shonlder soam stitches arc going to he knit together later.
Yarn Btnces
Yarn boxcs are very useful in kccping your yam under control- -and not just if you have a cat.
AU uf the products shouit on paga iO and 11 are manufactuml by hwx and are aenilaNe rn craft Stores.
Mohair Brush, Wool Comb
Mohair bmshes can be used to fluff up mohair swc.itens.
Wool combs remów pillcd wool and fu::.
Knitting Doiły
Knitting doliies arc used to “knit" rhin rubes of knitted materiał. For people who are impatient, there are also “knitting mills" (not shown).