This adverbs are usually used ai the begtnning of ihc sentence.
Example: Yestrrday I went 10 the brach.
Adyrrbs o f place
0 here J there 0 everywherr 0 somewheie 0 anywhere (nrgativc sentrncrt).
Thesc adverbs are usually used aftcr the verb. Example: The books are here
Adyctbs o( dcgicc
0 A lot (1 Qultr D Very
Thesc adveibs modify adjectives or adverbt
These adverbs are usually used before the word they modify, cxcept for "a loc”.
E.g: The book ts very good.
1 like Ice-cream a lot.
Rewnte the sentences.
1. Myjumper was expensivr. (very)
2. I enjoy ii (a lot)
3. I am wrtttng a lener. (at the moment)
4. My shoes are comfortable. (quite)
5. He plays welL (very)
6. Mary does ber bomework. (evcry day)
7. He used to teach (last year) a. Read this book (now)
9. She got a good result in her Enghsh test (qtute)
10.1 went to the cinema with my fnends. (last wrekrnd)
1. Insert the appropńate adverb in the sentence:
d) I must ftmsh my homework
e) Do you want to go to the rłnema
f) Peter ran_when tire fire broke
g) It_rains when I wash my car.
h) I prartise fitness training_.
i) Have you_gone to Italy befote?
j) You know_what I think about
your boyfriend.
k) l've_enjoyed all the stay
A lot, here. thrrr, yestetday, last night, very, last year. evcrywherc, anywhere. tomorrow, quite. very. last montli
Orne place degree
a) Today I feel_Ul.
b) _the glass didn' t break
c) You should_misbehave.