

5. To-pis-bsssd

inis is rarherhke thesimationai syliabus-, exaspt that che headlngs are broadiy ropic-based, mciudm-g rhings Hke "Food’ or Thefamily’; these u-suaHy mdicare a. hardy elear set of vocabukry items. wfrich may be specified.

4. Situationaf    - b

These syllabuses take the- reai-Iife contexrs of language uses as thrir Ww I sections -woruM be iteaded by names otsituarionsor Iścations suebas eEa£m meal or Tu the streett    s

1.. Grarnmadesł

A list of grammaneal stractures,. su eh as the. present rense, compariso-n of    fi.

adjectives, refairve ciaoses, usuaiiy dmded into seedóns graded aceondmgta    |

difficulty aud/br impo-rtaaee-.    |


• vP.

, - ;■; '...s /; . ... '

•A yejypónimoWkLad.df' syilabus: bota structares and kxis are speeiSetfcei&er together, in sections that correspond to the unfts of a course, or i® twa separate lists.    '    -

X Fun ctóauaŻ-ęm&amaf Fimctłons are tinngsyo® om <&> with language. ąs distinct front aottonsygm car. express: erarnples are ‘Mentifyingh ‘denymg*, ‘promising’. Purdy functksaaL syllabuses are rarei. usuafiy both functions and nótions. are cotnbined, as for . example in YstąEfc, tS90e' •    . ■ -


# -y.i

1Q. Process    • -

r'v. is vKp on'ty sy&aBub 'fŁtęIus ket prę set.Ihekc- x?utseis- - negotiated with-me kamers set the beginning. of the course and during k, and actually listed only rerrospectfyely (Candlrn, 1984; Ciarkę, 1991).    $ • t 'if

• - J

... , . •

9. Procedura! "i ----------------------------------"—•    ..........J'

These syllabuses spetify the learoing tasks to be done rather than me language itself or even its meareings. r.Yamples of tasks might be: map readfag,'dcźriH sdentific erperiments, stóry-wrhmg. The most weH-known procedura! sySabns ■ is that assodated with the Bangalore Project (Prabhu, 1987).

8. Motlonal

‘Notions’ are ćoncepts that language can espress. Generał norions may inchide ‘number’, foresample, or ‘time’, ‘place’, ‘coloirr^specific notions look morę . liie yocabuIary.rKtmihmank^wbman^ ^afternoon’. For an introdarrion to the topie of notional syllabuses see Wilkins, 1976.

‘ / ‘066! ^1 paąuassp si (sSmŚtrejopuatpiir jo s3]diifesjo tropospoo pszpainduioo e) sitdron e uo passą ŁsnqE|]is tpns suo ‘suopaas pspEtS oatn pspuip ApEitsu ‘staorpi ptJE SU0UED0TT03 D31EIDOSSE'iptAt (' ' ' liVOlV ÓS_ ‘<Coq_ [j-llo) Smali JEDDCSj to JST| y

;    • •' '    '    ‘ . : - -    IBSPWTZ

8. MIxed or 'muSti-strandf

Increasingiy, modern syllabuses arccombining different aspects in order to be matdmally cómprehensive and heipful to teachers and learners; in these you -may find specincation of topics, tasks. functions and notions, as weli as grammar and rocabuiary.


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