Insert the CD flettered side up) into the slot urrtll the CD is automatically receiued and taksn. The display shows T- CD'during this.
Afler the CD has been accepled, the player beglns withfirsttrackon the CD. On the display, Inliially thetotal niimber of iracks on Ihe CD is shown rTxx CD", foliowed by T1 CD*.
After the last track bas been played, playback of the CD begins again, skarting wilh Ihe flrsi irack.
If the CD has been insarted incorrectly, the display will show "ER-CD*.
Interrupt CD Play-Back
* Depress eject key 0 lot a shorttime,
The radio unit will revert from CD modę to radio operalion,
* Depress eject key again Iot a short time to return the unit to CU play-back modo.
Depress search keys 0 oder 0 for a short time and until the riumber for the dc-sired Irack appears on the display. If you depress the search key ^ for a short time, the track jgst played will be repeated.
Keep search key 0 oder 0 depte&aad until Ihe desirod track on the CD has been reached,
The display will show the number of th$ track as woli as itsduration in mimiteeanri seconds, e.g. ‘'3 02-42'. A fast play-back, initially at 10 times and then at 30 tlmas Ihe normal speed ocours ai a radncedvolume level.
Eject CD
Depress ejeci key 0 until 'EJECT CŁJ-is displayed. The CD is ejected and the radio unit reverts to the radio modę of operation.
If you do not take Ihe C D oul of the gn it within appro*. 20 seconds, it will be re-turned into the CD player again (to protect the CD from damage),
In this case, the unit will remain in radio modę, The display will show the symbol "CD IN"