CDR500 7

CDR500 7


Adjustment of the Volume for Traffic Announcements

Thevolume for the traffic announcements can be presćt and independently of the nor-mai vofume level lor the radio.


Pr&$$t the ifolume level for traffic announcements.

*    Depress (ha fTP] © key (approx.

3 seconda) unlil Ihe confirmation signal is glven.

The preael volume will appear on the display. for example VTP-VQL + ;".

*    The desired setting between -3 and t3 can be selected using the search keys ffl and ©-

*    Keep the fTP] ID key depressed again until the confirmation signal is given.

The setting is thsn memorlzed.

If ydu do not depress the (TP] key within 10 aeconds, the unit will raverr to the nor-mal operation withaut msmortzlng any change in the setting.

During traffic annoimcemenl playback you can ad|ust the Yolume with the O kcy.

The radio returns to the vOlume set only by increasing the volume after the traffic anno’ uncemant has finiahed.

Heanng Traffic Announcements only

If you only want to hear the traffic announcements, turn traffic on. Tum knob O to the left until the normai sound volu-me is reducetf to zero.

Only the traffic announcements ara then heard at the preset volume.

Interrupt Traffic Announcements

Depress the fTP] (B key for a short time, in order to interrupt the traffic announce-menis (forexample during CD play-back). The traffic radio function remains activated.


An errtension of RDS is the EON function. EON is an abbraylation for: Enhanced Othcr Networks (support of other transmit-tcrs).

Wrth RDS-EON, certain Transmitting Instr-tutions offer the possibility of hearrng traffic : announcements even by reception of nnn-traffic radio transmitters, The radio unit interprets informatiori Irom RDS data tram allematiye radio Stations transmitting traffi radio.

Non-traffic radio transmitters wrth associa-led HDS-EON ara ireated as traffic radio transmitters by the radio unit.

The symbol MEOW" {10 digit display) uf (6 dlglt display) is displayed for these trar mittere.


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