

Queen's Chain

(also known as Sąuare Chain & Box Chain)

Notę: A set of rings or a set of loops means 2 jump rings.

Open 2 jump rings, insert 4 jump rings inside, and close rings. This results in three groups of 2 jump rings joined together. Place wire or safety pin (wire taił) in the ffrst 2 jump rings to form a handle and to identify the beginning rings in the pattern.

Holding the wire taił and the bottom set of two jump rings between fingers, drop the top set of rings to fali one on each side of the middle and down to the bottom set of rings. There are now 4 rings at the bottom. Two of the rings are loose and two have the wire taił through them.

Holding the bottom of the fbur rings between fingers, drop the top set of rings one on each side. The two outside rings of the four rings will stand up higher than the inner rings. One at a time, thread another set of rings through these two outside rings. These outside rings are called "stand up rings.”

2000, Helwig Industries. LLC


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