Row 1: With wbite, ch 7, sc in sec-ond ch 'rom hook. 7 * in ch across, •:urn. (i 1 sc madę)
Row 2: {Ch 5, dej in first st, dc in next st, (2 dc in next st, dc in roxt st) 4 times, (dc, dtr -see Stitch Guide) n las'. st. tum. (17 sts)
Row 3; Ch 1, sc ;n each of f tsl 2 sts, (2 w. in next s:. sc in eacn of next 2 sts) across, -Ijrn (72 sr)
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next st, 2 dc in next sl, (dc in cach of rext 3 sts, 2 dc in rcxt st) 4 times, dc in each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in lusl sl, turn. (7H (ii.)
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in tirst 6 sts. 7 m. in nesrr st, (sc in next 6 St5> 2 sc ki rod st' across, lurn. Fasten off. (12 sc)
Row 6: Working in ends of rows and in sts of row 5, ioin whiie w :h >c iri urid of row 3, 5 dc ir next row, skip rext row, (skip next st on row 5, 5 dc in next st, skip nexl st, sc in npxt st) 8 times, skio rext row, 5 dc in r:'xi rew, sc in nexi row. Fasten off.
Row 1: Wilh white, starfing at wafel, & 41, sc ir second chi frorn hook, sc in sach ch across, turn. (40 ser.nade)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, dc n next st, (■« in next st, dc in ri€xt st) across, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, sc ir. each dc and dc ir each st across, turn.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in cach dc and dc. n each sc across, turn.
Hows S-16: Reoeat rows 3 ar.d 4 altertaldy. A: or d of iast row, fasten off.
Row 1: For first tle, willi white, ch 72; working in remaininc Ips on cpposite sidc Of stad ng cTi on row 1 of Fro”t, sc in each. of first 3 chs, st. r tixt 2 chs tog. (sc in each of ncxt 3 chs, sc nexi 2 chs tog) across; for second tle, ch 73, turn. (22 sc. i45 dis madę)
Row 2: Sc in sccond ch frorn hook, dc n nexl ch, (sc :n next cli or sl, dc in nexl ch or st) across, turn. ()76 sts;
Row 3: Ch I, sc in each st across, turn. Fas len uff.
Row 1: Skip first 82 sts, join wh te with sc in next st. sc in nexl 11 his leavin<j rnmaining sts urworiced, tum. ()2sc/'ioae)
Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first st, dc in ne:<t st, (st. in next st, dc n next st) across, tum. (7 2 sts)
Row 3: Ch 3, SC ii each dc and dc in each «. across, tum.
Row 4: Ch I, sc in each dc and dc. in each sc: across, tum.
Row 5: (1i i, sc in each dc and dc in each sc across, turr.
Row 6: ch 1, sc ir each dc and dc in each sc across, ch 18; turn, skip first 11 sts, sl st in last st.
1: On center front ot wooden ba l knoo, make iwo dots with black marker V a par: for eyes. With ba Ipoi i. pin, draw eyeglasscs arotind eyes. With red marker, draw moutn centered beloweyes. Apply blush for cheeks.
2: For tendrlls, cut 4’ oiece Cui y Chenilkt, glue ce nter 21 of piece evenly spacod across head W above eyes.
3: Starliny behind tendrils, wind Curly Chenille f'om side-lo-sido across top anc sides of head applying glue to secure as you work. Cut off excess. Wint! t aiły Chenille into several loops forming a bun, glue to top of head.
4: Aoplying a little glue, insert sUck into hu h at bottom of head. Set aside.
5: Gather netting '// trom edye with sew ng needle and :hread. Place Polpourii ir. center and puli thread to gather netting closed. Secgre lliread by tying in knot at top of ootpourr bali.
6: VVeave ribbon through beadiny rnd on Body. Insert pctpo jti bali into Body. Puli ribbon tightjy leav-ng ends untied for now.
7: Tor each A-m, flatten last md and sew over rnd 39 on Body (see photo)
8: P ace Apiun on Body ano tie in bow on back. Puli ribbon ends through ch-18 at top of bib; puli each end ul ribbon througn last st at eac" end of row 2 on Collui.
9; Inserl end of srick througn open-ing of Collai and ch-18 cif bib and into top of Body. Puli ribbon UyhUy and iie ends in bow at front. □□
5!o" tali.
□ South Maidt* Art. I)‘j4 by Coats & Clark or size 10 cru-chel rot lor tiiread:
275 yds. White #1 75 yds. Cream *430 J 1W wooden bali knobrtlat bottom with 3/is” hole
□ 3W wooden stick :o fit in hole
.J 1 Ą r nps potpourri J 10^’-diamctcr circle neiling □ 5 ma I arrount Błon de Curly Hair” liy One & Only Creations« U 30 Gold ^mm Bearis #702-175 by The Beadery*
J 6 ' pieto craft wire j 5 yds. gold metal lic riWion J (xaf- glue J Fabhc bliffoner J Black and -ed permaruinŁ markprs
U Powcior blush U Sewing thread J Sewing ard tapestry needlcs J Nd. 8 stet-l hook or hook needed to obtain gauge
9 sts = 1 ’; ć hdc rows = V; 4 dc rows = 1 ’.
Ch, sl sl, sc, hdc, dc, tr.