Color and dccorate fhcso dice cutouts. In lho squores on lho blank die, drów or wrilo anylhmg you want (faces. fńends' names, or shapes are some ideas). Glue the dice to a piece of thin ccrdboord (such as on empty cereal box}. Cul oul lho shapes olong fhe solid lines.
Kaking the dice:
Make creoses (foldsl along aH lho dotled lines. FSp the shape over so the decorated sido is focing away from you.
Put some glue on all remaming Icbs. Fold fab *C* over the top of the d*e, and press ogainst the glue-covered fabs
put poste here
Now bend up the sides labeled 'A*, and apply glue on the fwo fabs where shown. Fold up the tab labeled *B‘ and press *B’ ogainst fhe glue-covered fabs.