

Number of Independent Variabtct

Number of Dependent Yariablet


WiCh 2 Contmuous Yariables Uje Bivaria:c Corrclation and Rcgressian If thc Independent Yariablc Bceomes Diseretc Uie Oncway ANOVA t-Tcst

If l!oth Yariables Heco mc Discrete Uie

Bivariatc Crosstabulation


With 3 Continuom Yariables UłC Multiplo Rcgrcssion Analysis If One Independent Yariablc Bceomes Discrete Use Analysis of Covariance

If The Dependent Variablc Bccome* Discrete Usc Loginie Rcgression D-.scriminant Function Analysis

If Hoth Independent Variabtes Bccome Diseretc Use

Factorial Analysis of Variancc If Ali Yariables Are DiłCrete Ujc

Legii Analysis

Mulli-way CoritingcncyTable Analysis



If Ali Yaiisblo Are Continuom Use Structural l:quaticn Models Ca.nor.ical Conclation



If Somc Independent V*riables Bccome Iłiserete Use Mulliwiate Analysis of Covajiatxc

If Ali Independent Yariables Bccome Dhcrcte Use

Multivariaie Analysis of Variancc

If Ali Yarisbles Bccome Diseretc Use Nfulti-way Contingcncy Table Analysis Logii Analysis



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% of the number of independent variablcs to be tested, only main cffccts werc initially fittcd; relc
Dependent yariable Reinittances sent lio me (ln) Index of łiome
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Modeli    Model 2 Dependent ruiable: do*    Dependent yariable: fiving
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some number of variables (1 variable or morę than 8) radio buttons that correspond to these impossib

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