Modeli    Model 2

Dependent ruiable: do*    Dependent yariable: fiving

des important m orernD ties    in an Ikrainian clnster

Dependent rariables    durnrny vartabk indicanng    dtunmy rariabk mckcatmg

wbetherornotthereąaond-    whetheror no: the respondent

enthadmainłylocalties    repottedthathisharneigh-

bourhood was an area m which a: kast seueral ceber Ukraimans lived

Independent yariables

^oao-derno^raphic \ arabie:


Gender (małe as reference categoey)

Employment sector (domesbc sector and constmctton - the rwo most populai Employment sectots among Ukraiman migrants)

Level of educanon (secondary educanon was treated as tbe reference caregocy, sutce this ts the most commoa leveł o: educanon among UŁtamian nngrants)

Lmng witb parmer m Polana

Haring cbildren (no duldren as reference categoiy)

C ounoy ofongin of parmer (not having a parmer was treated as the reference categoty)

.\Ggrar;on-reiawd \ arabie:

Kumber ofyears sińce the first stay m Poland

Share of nme spent m Poland ance the first stay

Haring at least one stay ia Poland in the past which Lasted su: months or tonger

Koc harmg Inred in the same oetghbourhood for ax months or longer


Haring relańves m Poland Charaaerizric: o fplace ofrańdence

Tne type of buildmg m which the respondent lr.es in Poland (błock of flats. tenement house. detached hcuse. other)


Lrring in Mokotów, liring m Targówek (two city disnias WBh highest shares ofUkraman migrants - see fiirther)

Lrring wnh the employer in Poland Soao-pĄcńoiogical \ańabie:

Kumber of social Des

Kumber of acąuaintances fiom the forrner USSR liring a Poland

Perceiamg the household in Poland as ones' 'borne' (respondmts were asked to mdicare which of their households they would cali tbetr home Considenng the house in Poland as ‘borne’ was treated as an mdtcator ofrełahvely strong anonona! 3ttachment to Poland)

Sampłmg reiared \ar.abie:

Bemg recnnted to the study ba- a netghbour (collectmg this mfccmanon al-lowed to renfy whether the chains of reauitmen: were related to place of readence)

Bemg recrutted to the samy by a Satmate


N = 102

Sample size    N = 342


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