David Gerrold & Larry Niven The Flying Sorcerers ºck
SHOOCAR was absolutely livid-a naturai State for any self-respecting witch-doctor.
But this time he Mad a reason. His terrltory had been im/adea Dy a completely insane shaman who hadnt had the grace to announce himself and dldn t even appear to know the common ground rulesof themaglcians guild.And what s morÄ™, the idiot dared to practice wltchcraft without hauing first madÄ™ his glft to the local witch-doctor, who happened to be the mlghtyshoogar.
in an absolutefury Shoogar prepared his most ghastly spells to driue the faroigner away.. llttle did he know that the stranger nad quite a few ghastly spells of his own to fali back on...
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