Davis, Patti Bondage BS
Sh e was master ofthe gamę, until he changed the mles....
J~t t eleven, Sara leamed the hard way about the opposite sex. Now, at thirty-five, she knows the language of men better than they do. A Hollywood costume designer, she’s had her share of lovers, just like her best friend Belinda. But Belinda is different—needy and vulnerable, and envious of Sara’s ease with her sexuality. Indomitable, Sara has vowed never to surrender control—except in her most private fantasies.
"Wlaybe I came jrom your fantasies." Anthony Cole’s words stun Sara when they first meet. Her attraction to the maverick film director is undeniable. His seductiveness is inescapable. "Open up to me. Let me in. ” From the first night, Sara knows she is his prisoner. His skillful touch is addictive, and his eyes, fuli of secrets, seek every one of hers. In the dark heat of passion, she senses Anthony re-mapping her, changing the boundaries. ,r(Do uou tmst me enough to do things with me you’ve neoer done before?'” Sara can feel the slipknot ofthe unknown close around her, and is unable to resist....
In a shocking novel of hidden desires and unspoken fears, bestselling author Patti Davis explores the unimagined limits of sexual abandon...and betrayal.
A Literary Guild Selection A Doubleday Book Club Selection
ISBN 0-671-86954-X

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