(PRODUCE)..... |
........................... Manager |
...........good working reletionship/ people? |
..............................Director |
............................ąualities/ you need/job? |
(SELLING)......... |
..............................Director |
.........................like best/ your job? |
HR...................... |
...............................Manager |
....................atmosphere/ you / work........? |
(ACCOUNTS)........................................... |
..................good/ working relationship/ your boss? | |
(MANAGE)....... |
..............words/ encouragement / anyone/ want/ become a...................................................? |
Listening SB p. 11 Persona! Assistant Ex. 2 p. 11
Ex. 4 p. 11
Put the following words in the right order to make ąuestions about companies.
1. you produce do what ?
2. services provide what you do?
3. the company based is where?
4. does employ people company how many the?
5. customers are main who your?
6. your competitors main are who?
7. codę dress employees there is a for?
8. you developing products the new what at moment are?
9. body you with goveming are registered any?
Finish the ideas:
1. I don't much care for........
2. I look forward to....
3. I'm not keen on.... grammar SB p. 13 Ex. 2
Finish the ideas:
..................................................................................................................with my colleagues
It's nice when people at work...........................
I don't like working
If I disagree with my boss
If the boss is not satisfied with the way I work
It's impprtant for me to feel READING + SB Ex. l,2,3,4p. 15
P- 17