Icft paracotul laparotomy cxpIorc abdominal cavity and identity LDA cvacuate gai lrora abomasum wilh nccdle thread 1,5 m length of non-absorbablc suturc materiał (polyanude
polymcr 4 gauge) onto straight triangular 8 cm nccdle, and insert nccdle
through greater omen tum and wali senes 6 sutures, cach3 cm a part
push semi-flaccid abomasum down towards midlinc insert nccdle through body wali iligfatly right of the abdominal midlinc, midway bctwccn xipłustcrnum and umbilious
nccdle is pullcd through iłcin to exterior by assistant, and end of suturc is retamed in artery forccps
wilh sccond nccdle threaded from distal end of same suturc materia! push nccdle through \cntral body u-all 3-10 om ca udał to fint point