_ _ I asl ycar was a bcar-market "I I ycar. And when you do well in a bcar-market ycar. i i as wc did, I think you havc
to cnd up pretty wdł satisficd.”
Roy Millcnson is talking about his last ycar as watchcr of fcdcral funding
u^'NCLE TOM’S CABIN” was out ot print j I by thc latc 19th ccntury. But today, 50
| I years after publication, "Gone Witb the
a Wind” still sells about 250,000 copies a year in the United States and 100,000 around the world. In virtually every one ot those years, morę than 40,000 hardbacfe copies were sold. By 1983 there were at least 185 editions in print. and 25 milłion
C 1987 Dy The New YoA TimeJ Qyr&yr/ !?eonfMecJ Dy peimMOA.
" 'r"Pake care of the sense and the sounds will take care of X themselves,' " the Duchess tells Lewis Carroll's Alice. It might seem reasonable advice, even if it weren't meant morę as a play on the British proverb 'Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themse!ves." It's not, I must say, a motto I follow. Nothing in a book, from the wording of the ded-
From “Sojno and Sense" Dy Pod Ttaschman in The Hom Boo* Mogar* Seo*emt>er 1989. D 551 SepnMed Dy cemusor. of The Hom Book. mc.