caused by P. pcnetrans was not rclatcd to heighi. When plants were grown in soil infested with both nematodes. stunting was not additive. Diazinon and carbofuran in thc glasshouse and diazinon in the field protected Zea m*vs from Longidorus sp.

*0107 £iRaKPaRVAR. M. E. Host rangę of Pratylcnchus iietiacisus and its pathogenicity on corn, soybeao, and tomato. Phytopathology (1980) 70 (8) 749-753 [En, 15 ref.) Dep. of Plant Pach., Seed and Weed Sci., Iowa State Univ., Ames 50011, USA.

P. hexincisus was recovered from the roots of all 44 plant species or coltivars tested except smooth brome and orchardgrass. Finał populations of P. bexincisus/pot in tomato and garden pea (Pisum sativum) were larger chan in maize. In glasshouse experiments. an initial inoculum of 5000 P. hexincisus/p\ant significantly decreased root and top weighis of maize. soybean and tomato after 3 montbs. An initial inoculum of 20 000 nematodes/plant significantly decreased height and top and root weights of maize in al! 3 tnomhly samplings.

0108 SullivaN, i A.; CHRISTIE. B. R. Tbe inheritance of resistance to tbe northern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla Cbitwood) in alfalfa (JMedicago satiya L.>. Forage Notes (I979) 24 (I) 20-23 [En] Dep. Crop Sci., Gueiph Univ., Ontario, Canada. From Plant Breedmg Abstracts JO, 8014.

Five resistant and 4 susceptibłe clones sclected from Vemal were selfed and crossed with at least one other clone. In aU, 3800 S, and F, seedlings were screened. On the basts of the segregation ratios obtained. it is postulated that resistance is controlled by 2 independent toci segregating tetrasomically, resistance being dominant over susceptibility. To be resist3nt, there must be at least 2 dominant alleles at

both ioci.

0 108 Santo. G. S.; Evans, D. W.; Bower, D. B. Reactions of tbree Alfalfa cu!tivar$ to sereral species of plant-parasitic nematodes. Plant Dtseases (1980) 64 (4) 404-405 [En. 15 ref.) Irrigated Agric. Res. L Extension Center. Prosscr, WA 99350. USA.

Ditylenchus di psa ci reduced growih of all lucerne culiivars tested, cxccpi Washoe. Pratylcnchus pcnetrans reduced growth of Washoe and Vemal but not of Tbor. Meloidogyne hapla reduced the top growth of Thor but not growth of roots and crown. The opposite was tnie with Washoe. M. hapla did not afTect Vemal. P. neglectus, Paratylcnchus hamatus, and Macroposthoma xcnoplax did not afTect finał plant growth of the cultivars tested.

*0110 Dl Vito, M.; VovlaS, N.; lNSERRA, R N. Influence of Meloidogyne incognita on growth of corn in pots. Plant Disease (1980) 64 (11) 1025-1026 [En. 6 ref.) Utituio Nematologia Agraria, CNR, 70126 Bań, ltaly.

The infiuence of Meloidogync mcugnila race 1 on growth of maize hybrid Dekalb-XL-41 was studied in pots containing

a geometrie senes of eggs (0 and 0.5, 1, 2, 4,........ 1024 eggs/

g soil) kepi at 24 to 26‘C for 75 days. The decline in fresh weight of tops of maize indicated a tolerance limit to M. incognita of 10 eges/g soil.

0 111 SlNGH. P.; Lal, S. S. Population fluctuation of Pratylcnchus thornei in maize in relatioo to temperaturę and moisture. [3rd Nat. Congr. Parasit., Haryana Agric. Univ., Hissar. 24-26 Apr. 1980. Abstract B 80 ). Indian Journal of ParasitoJogy (1980) 3 (Supplement) 37 [En] Dep. of Zool., N.R.E.C. Coli., Khurja. India.

0112 DOLMANS. N. G. M.; Bunt, J. A. Control of nUmt-parasitic nematodes in maize by different seed treatments with oxamyl. [32nd lnt. Symp. Fytofarra. en Fytiat. Gent, 1980. Dcel II.). Mededelingen \an dc FacuJteit

Landbouwwctenscbappcn Rjjksunjrcrsiicit Gent (1980) 45 (3) 733-737 [En, 9 ref.) Lab. of Nematology, Agric. Univ., Wageningen, Netherlands.

Maize seed was dipped in oxaroyl (0, 20, 60 and 180 g/1 or g/kg) dissolvcd in water for 15 min, in acetone for 15 seconds or dipped in a talcum powder-oxaroyl mixture. Tbe seeds, with approximately 0, 0.30, 0.90 and 2.70 mg oxamyl/ seed, were nlanted in pots with soil oontaining Pratylcnchus spp. (2300/1). Tylenchorbynchus spp. (1900/1) and saprozoic nematodes (9900/1). No difTerenccs occurred in acrial growth after 1, 3, 5 or 7 weeks. Oxamyl treatment reduced root populations of Pratylcnchus spp. and soil populations of Tylenchorhynchus spp. and saprozoic nematodes although the reduction of the latter was slight. The water and acetone treatments at the bighest rates were the most efTective treatment.

0113 Jain, R. K.    Contro! of Tylenchorbynchus

musnoudi on Berseem. Indian Journal of Nematology (1980) 10 (l) 98-100 (En, 4 ref.) Indian Grasstand and Fodder Res. Inst., Jhansi-284003, India.

Nemacur, carbofuran and phorate applied at 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg a.i./ha and DBCP at 10, 15 and 20L/ha were applied to bcrsccn Trifolium alexandrinum to test the efFects of control of Tylenchorhynchus mashoodi on green fodder and seed yield of berseem. DBCP at 20L/ha followed by DBCP at l5L/ha, nemacur at 2.0 kg a.i./ha and carbofuran at 2.0 kg a.i./ha were the most successlul treatments in tnereasing yields jnd reducing numbers of nematodes. Phorate was inetTective.

0 114 INSERRA. R. N.; 0‘BaNNON, J. H.; SANTO, G. S.

Tbe effect of Meloidogyne hapla on growth of alf alf a seedlings. Nematologica (1980) 26 (3) 379-381 [En. 5 ref.] Lab. Nematologia agTaria, Bari. ltaly.

Tbe effect of initial population densities of M. hapla (0, 0.25, 0 50, 1. 2. 4, 8, 16. 32, 64, 128, 256. and 512 eggs + 2nd-stage juveniles/mJ of soiJ) on lucernę growth was studied in a pot ezpcrimenL Results suggested an eztremely smali tolerance limit of luccme for M. hapla, possibly due to attack by a second generation of tbe nemaiode.

0 115 HaalaND. R. L.; Hoyeland, C. S.; Grey, F.; 1?LaRK, E.; RODRIGUEZ-KabaNa, R.    Rhizosphere

probltms limitiog alfalfa productioo in the "Deep South.". In Report of tbe 26tb Alfalfa Improvement Conference, 6-8 June, 1978, South Dakota State university, BrooLings, South Dakota, USA. Sl. Paul, Minnesota, USA; US Department of Agriculture. (1979) 30 [En, [ARM-NC-7]) Auburn Univ., Aubum, Alabama, USA.

The following nematodes were associated with lucerne in Alabama. USA:    Meloidogyne sp., Pratylencbus sp.,

Criconetnoides sp., Xiphinema sp., Tylenchorbynchus sp., Tricbodorus sp., Hchcotylenchus sp. and Hoplolaimus sp. Tylenchorbynchus sp. and Tricbodorus sp. were severe pathogens 0116 NlRMAL SlNGH; GlLL, i. S.; KJUSHNANADA. N. PrevaJenee of roof-knot nematode in Nilgiri hills. Indiar Phytopathology (1979) 32 (3) 499-501 (En. 3 ref] Div. of Entomol., Central Potato Res. Inst., Simla (H.P.), India.

In a survey of root galls from the potato-growing localities in the Nilgiri hills, India, Meloidogyne hapla was the dominant species, followed by M. incognita and M. jjyanica. Gall size depended on the response of the host plant. New hosts were: Erigeron mucronatus, Laggera altan, Yerbena venosa. Anotis leschenaultiana and Pelargoniom grjveo/ens for M. hapla; Chrysantbemum leucanthemum, Plectranthus coleoids and Polygonum punctatum for M. incognita and Silene gallica and M. javanica. New host records for India were: Bidens pilosa and Plantago major for M hapla; Soncbus arvensis and Phytolacca americana for M.

103 incognita and A en ci a dealbata for M. javanica.


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