egz pisemny pytania3

egz pisemny pytania3

bv the editor.

4.    Not many articles

a) is written    b)    are wrote    c)    are written

5.1    like people.....................are    always honest.

a) when    b)    which    c)    who

6.    She failed the test because she.................................the instructions.

a) wasn't understanding    b) didn't understand    c)    didn't    understood

7.    We.........................when he interrupted us.

a) talk    b)    have been talking    c) were talking

8.    The meal was cheap. I expected it to be..............................

a) less expensive    b)    morę expensive    c) much expensive

9.    If s every bit..............................that one.

a) as good as    b)    so good as    c) as good than

10.    You haven’t eaten sushi before,......................?

a) has it    b)    have you    e) haven't you

yrjri i nT|T AT?V

.    y    *

IV.    Circle the correct word. (1 point for each question)

1. We must remind/reniember to buy some milk.

2.1    retired / applied for a job as a life-guard, but 1 didn t get it.

3.1    hate horror films. I ftnd them too frightening/frightened.

4.1    can't trust him any morę. He's been so dishoaest/honest.

5.    She is looking for a researcli /cure for heart disease.

6.1    was planning to go with them, but then 1 changed my łiead/mind.

7.    Sht graduated/suffered from London School of Economics.

8.    He works for IBM in Switzerland. He has a really high pension/sałaty.

9.1'm makittg / doing an Italian course.

10. For a good holiday. I like lying on a sand/sondy beach.

V.    Match the words which have similar meaning. (1 point for each question)

1. commerce

a) answer

2. essential

b) top

3. outstanding

c) business

4. convince

d) design

5. book

e) friendly


f) resen c



8. reply

h) important

9. sociable

i) excellenl

10. summit

j) persuade


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