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If you want to deny all hosts (for instance, if you were hidingyour C source files from everyone), you would enter in a hostname restriction of
Remember that the hostname and IP addresses should be speeified with either a wildcard pattern. or a comma separated list, but not both. Also be suręyour wildcard pattern is not recursive - there should only be one level of parentheses in the expression.
Hostnames to allow:
IP addresses to allov:
*. personnel. mycompany. coiN
Finally, you should specify what should happen when a Client is denied access. Normally, the server sends Not Found, which is the same thing that happens when a Client reąuests a document that does not exist. However, sometimes you may want to let theuser know what they are missing. In those cases, you can specify a speeific file that the server will send back.
The file name should be an absolute path.
O When an address is denied, send the client a Not Found response. Instead of Not Found, 3end this text file:
/us r /lo c al/web - do c s /p r i vatje. txt