fontanelis (1)

fontanelis (1)


1) WATER Iridescent White


Suggested card colours;

Stroight Stitch A Bock Stitch

* rss. /> \ \

i = in

Medium colours - Mid Blue

Follow diagram, working from bottom up

o = out

Deep Green

4) FOUNTAINBAŚ6 IndeScent White or Srey

Cross-over Stitch (miss 2)

to - o, 4 - i, 5 - o. 2 - i, 3 • o, 6 • i, 7 - o, 4 5 • o. 8 - i, 9 ■ o, 6 - i

2) 80 WL Iridescent White or Grey. Cross-over Stitch (miss 2) lc - o, 4 - i, 5-o, 2 - i,

3-o. 6 - i. 7-0. 4-i,

5-o. 8 - i. 9-o. 6-i, continue to end (3łc) work front rim in Stern Stitch (miss 1), then backstitch row bctwcen.


Sicm Stitch (miss 1) sides and Straight Stitch top A bo tłom_

3) PEOESTAL Iridescent Whitc or Grey Cross-over Stitch (miss 2) Id - o. 4 - i, 5 - o. 2 -1. 3-o, 6 - i. 7 - o. 4 - i,

5-o, 8 - i. 9 - o. 6 - i, continue to end

//r\\h v

I; ! \l \

/ , w \ \



Straight Stitch

Work os diogrom from left to right

To make t eesier to follow fhe pat'ern, doshes hove ceen used os links betweer the dotj • thcSe are NOT stitches.

5) FOUNTAIN BASE Iridescent White or Srey

Bockstitch be twe er 13o - lb

Cross-OYcr Stitch (miss 3) lb - o, 5 -1, 6 - o, 2 -1, 3-o, 7-i. 8-o. 4-i. 5-o, 9-i, 10 - o. 6-i, continue to end 31 Rockstitch betweer 3tb and 46a on row obove



Spircl Stitch 1 - o, A - i, 2 - o. A - i. 3 - o, A - i, 4 - o. A - i, 5 - o, A - i, 6 - o. A - i, 7-o. A-i

FLOWER SEQUINS Attoch lost, come out threugh hole. pickup bead, bock in and on to the next onel

Soggested threed - Woter <5 Fountam - OMC 4300 Iridescent White or Fountair. only - W order Fil 8871 - Ojil Si!ver Fiogstones - WonderFil 3108 Pale 6rey or Sutermom Metollic 9360 Chorcool Leoves - Sutermarn Metollic 400 6-eeen

Flowers - light coloured fiat or copped seguir.s Beods - (to secure) in o contrastmg colour

©Ccpyn^.t 2005 Sue Fcrmcr 41>< Kelly PrKK > S*i'di ifct Car a i


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