j^-CPU State at end of U5
COZOHOE1I1 fl=M 6>06ÓO D*0000 H=011B 9=0100 P-010B GUC C -ćy Run program from currentPC until completion {in real-time) *0119 brcakpoint at 116H, caused by executing RST 7 in machinę codę.
CPU State ar end of program
C0Z1M0E1I1 ń=00 B=0000 D-OOOO H=01Z1 S=010Q P=011S RST 07 ^Examine and change program counter
P=011S 100/
C0Z1M0E1I1 fl=00 B=0000 D=0000 H=01Z1 S-0100 P-0100 MWI 0>0B -TiOf