Fourth, seloct two eseroisers on whieh to wort. At the end of the month tako two otkors. Nos. 8 and 6 make a gooćl oornbination on whieh to start.
After the exercis<h particularly in the morning, it is moll to dip a towel in cool ma ter, cold if it is pleasant, and pass it rapidly over the wliole body. This should bc followed by rigorous rnbbing with a coarsc towel. Get a silk erash towel, or cvcn an or-dinary orasli towel of good lengfh, and after you have been dried by the batli towel, nse this over your body and limbs with the same v-igor and speed that the modern shoe polisher eshibits when doing his work. iratil the wkoło body głows and feels the way your skoes look.