doing an liour or two of monotonous cscreise in a gymnasium every day.
Every man would like to have a firm liarid, strong, eleąn-eut arins, muscles tliat stand out, a body that is solid, field togetficr by firm muscles, strong vigor-ous neck, and largo eliest. A man cannol very well changc tlie sfiape of tho fiones of his body: but aside froin this, much cau be dono in a very short timó cvery day. A montfi or two of work will help muefi to bring about tfiat sfiape of lite body tliat one de-sircs, and tliat efiaracter of rnuselc wfiiefi is one of 1fie marks of vigprous manfiond.
It is tlie purpose of tbis book to sfiow liow business men umy, by a few minutes eaefi day, develop tbeir muscles in tfie way that they desire. That wfiich is discussed in this article is not a complete system of pliysical trainiug. This work does not aim to make a man graceful; it does not aim to make fiim a long distance numer, a juraper, or a feneer. This plan of exercise does succeed in almost every case, in (juiekly making a man mnscularly strong and we1’ doyeloped. II. does tend to tmike a man stand straigfiter, to respect himself morę, to fiave a elearer