Fuse |
Raling |
PrcXcclod Circuit |
1 |
30A |
Power sunrool (seo also tuee 13) |
2 |
Noiueed | |
3 |
30A |
Heedhght wasfer |
4 |
15A |
Healed seats (seo also fuse 231 |
5 |
30A |
Power seats (seo also luse 40) |
6 |
20A |
Rear wrrdow defogger (see atsc fuse 23) |
7 |
5A |
An6-thett system (Alpno) (sce also fuse 43) Central loeMng (ZVMII) (soo also (use 35. 43) |
8 |
15A |
Horn |
9 |
20A |
Sound system (see also fuse 44) |
10 |
33A |
A8S (see ai»o fuse |
11 |
75A |
Crash contro! module (sco also fuse 12. 25. 29. 34) Ho*dlighM.’loglghts<8ee also foso 12.15. On-Board Computer (see aUo tus-e 12.23 |
12 |
7.5A |
Craati oontrol modtf e (seo also fuse 11,25, 29. 34) HearJIghls-loglrgtks (sec also fuse 11, 15. 22. 23. 25.29. 33) On-Ooard Ccmpuler (see also fuse 11.23. 27.31.33. 37. 45.46) |
13 |
5A |
Pcwer sunrool (see also fuse 1) Power Windows (soo also fuse 14) |
14 |
30A |
Power Windows (see also fuse 13) |
15 |
SA |
HaadtghfsiTogiighis (see also łuse 11,12. 22.23. 25. 29. 30) |
16 |
SA |
Engne oontrol modtie (see aiso fuse 28) Hoabrg and A-C (IHKR E36>(eee aHo luse |
17 |
Wot uscd |
Fuse |
Rating |
Protected ClrcuH |
18 |
Fuel pump |
19 |
15A |
Park ve ortalion (see also fuse 23) |
20 |
30A |
Heaiirg and A*C (IHKR E36K*eo also fuse, 39.41) Park ventllat)cn (see also fuse 19) |
21 |
5A |
ABS (see also fusc |
22 |
5A |
Headlgtits/fog^ghis (see also luse 11,12. 15. 23, 25. 29. 30) Instiurront ilłumination (see 8lSO fuse 25,33. 37) ParWtailfątits (see also fuse 33,37) |
23 ’ |
5A |
Multi-luntflon etoefc (see also fuse 27.31.45. 46) HeadHghis'foglghis (see also fuse 11.12 15, Heafed seats (soe also fuse 41 Heafing .md A-C (IHKR E36Xsee also fuse 16.20. 31.37. 39.41) Insuiment duster (see also fuse 27,31 4G) On-Board Computer (see slso fuse 11.12. 27.31.33,37. 45.46) Rear wndow defogger (see also fuse 6) Turn signals-nazard aghts (sec also luse 34) |
24 |
10A |
Power mlrrars |
25 |
5A |
Crash contro! module (see ateo fuse 11.12. 29. 34) Headlighta-IoalgWs (see also fuse 11.12. 15.22.23. 29. 33) instrument MummaŚon (see also fuse 22.33. 37) |
26 |
15A |
Back-up ignts Eiactrcnc iransmission controł (A4S 31OR) (see ateo luse 28.46) |
27 |
5A |
ABS (see also fuse 10.21.38. 46) MUkHunction dock (see atao fuse 23.31,45. 46) Instrument dusier (see also fuse 23.31.46) On-Board Computer (see a*so fusc 11.12. |
28 |
SA |
Cnnse coolrcl (seo also fusc 46) Engine ccnlrol module (see also fuse 16) Stanng system Eledronic transmisslcn ccnlrol (A4S 310R| (see also fuse 26.46) |
29 |
75A |
Crash oontrol module (see also fuse 11.12. 25.34) Heaclighia-fogligWs (soe also fuse 11.12. 33) |
30 |
7.5A |
Heaolighis/roalighis (see also fuse 11,12, 15.22.23. 25) |
31 |
5A |
Muffi-tunctlon dod< (see also fusc 23.27.45, 46) Henhrg and A-C (IHKR E36)(see also fuse 16 instrimeni dusier (see aleo fuee 23.27,46) On-Bcord Ccmpjie' (see srtso fuse 11.12. 23.27. 33,37.45. 46) |