ZSTf-nęsr^ Hpr-K.



'    DEPT. 20. CHICAGO 11. III.


Electronic Aoplicotioni Divis»on. Dem. TN-IC^ ELMSFORO, NEW YORK

Iradmg mahtis oi fine Cer aro* caitfidge*. speaker\. m<ro-l>honts. tace heads. eleclion

In Canada.contad Atlas Radio Corp .Itd.. Toronto

lo thc straight arm that variations in design cause only minor Yariations in tracking error. To illustrate the superiority of the ofTsel arm. Fig. 9 shows a comparative plot of the tracking error as two nine-inch arms pro-ceed across a disc. Curve A shows the variation in tracking error for a nine-inch straight arm improperly oriented to pass over the center of the disc. Curve B is for the same straight arm re-oriented for an optimum undershoot of 0.77 inch. Curve C is for a nine-inch offset stereo arm (in this case. the General Electric TM-2G arm) mounted according to the manufactur-er’s instructions. Notę the tremendous superiority of the offset arm. Perhaps the only criticism that can be madę of

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corcling. "The Amotmg Hor/./ of Shorl tVovc Lislcning." I enc)o»« 25<.







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