

G*\ N’ovc> • Myway

Praise for Anthony Bkiulka's Arthur Kflis Aw.ird norainofod pjewous nowi Amulf Bcuckr.

“Amusc Bouch' is un cffcryoscent first novcl th.it is much li ko the tasty Freneh horx d'oouvTi>s mim which it takes its nnme. It’s an omusing, entcrtaining and

somctraics titillliting story with j Uvely supporting ca>t____ This is a good start

to an cxciting now motory scries." Quill & Q;tirr

■"{A| ńrst-r.itp mystory...by ony stnndards." —SaskiHoon Star Phwnix

"...Anthony Bidnlka paints the Prairksa lightershade OJ roir..."

Gcwgia Słnsighl

At tho dead onrf of a dcsolatc country road. a latc nighl mrołing suddonly beoomes an ambush. Gay prlvate detectiee Russell Qu.ini is rami with personal threntsho c.in't ignoa*, a fricnd who may bo a t’oo and a cagoy Client with a treach-crous monkey on his back. As Quant traiLs a menaring blackmailcr known only as Lovorboy, ho finds himself unmersed in the midnight worki of-e-dałing and parking lol romanco. Lured to New York City, Qu.int tcsts his wil, windom and wiłeś from the Old World grandem of Fitth Averme to the kaleidoseope world of Br<wdway's clcclric nightspots.

The fast pace eon tm u es w hen ,Quant retums to Saskatoon whe-a* he grapples with decoys and deceit, realizing that no om* is as they appear. Tlue.it tums into dcadly reality and Ute need to uneoeer the identity of Lmc-rboy becomes ineroas-ingły desperat*- Quant deftly maneueres through the twrsts and tums of a per-ilous owe and a person.il lite ri/o with ils owit niytvtiqui- and jnayhem.

On the heek of his delidous Armise HonfJu. Hidulka delivers a scrumptuous second seriing of Russell Quant With slurp writing, dtseriptiie flair and wry humour, Bidulka's Flight of Aąuauit is irrosistible enlertainmint at ils winsome best.

Anthony Bidulka has enjoyed time well-spent and r*    misspent in the worids of academia, accounling, fash-

:im, food setYices and farming. An avid trawller. reader and party-giyer, he lives in Saskatoon where he __    ,s •" "(ork on his nexr novel. His first Russell Quant

mystery, Amust Boucltt, was publishixl in 2003 by ’ Insomniac Press.


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