14439 s&h 055
tiiuely. for nermusness bas eonie to be vcry preralent in America:
Iteef is not so suitable as niutton or lamb, and sbonld not be eaten morę than om-e a week.
Chicken, veal, turkey, dnek and rabbitare defirient in sonie of tbe eleuiertts of nutrition important to uerrous persons. Tbey sbonld lic eaten in eoujunetion willi fat baron or bani.
Oysters aro liiphly beeefirial.
Rirjisare a suitable food;suet is benefleial, and tripe permissible.
A "lass of milk sbonld be druid; moruing and niglit.
A liberał nitowani*? of butler is bonefieial.
Orouse. pigeon, liare and pai*tridge are un-suitable.
Tront and fresb berring are suitable, and maekerel and sal mon may be taken if boiled.
Codfisb is unsuitalde.
Asparagus, rnlibage, caulifiower. lettuce, mint. onions, potatoes and musliroonis are
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