Which sentence matches which situation given below?
^ 1 The passengers, who checked in early, had a long wait at the airport. 1 Lx 1
4r 2 The passengers who checked in early had a long wait at the airport.
A Only some passengers checked in early and only those passengers had to wait long, the others did not.
B Ali the passengers checked in early and they all had to wait long at the airport.
There are two types of relative clauses; defining (= restrictive) and non-defining ( = nonrestrictive).
The defining relative clause contains information necessary (!) for identifying who or what we are talking about.
The non-defining relative clause contains additional information about the thing(s) or person\people we are talking about.
o- t*-
Which sentence in Task 1 contains defining and which non-defining relative clause?
Decide which of the relative clauses below are defining and which are non-defining. Insert commas if you think a clause is non-defining.
fj 1. Romę which is the Capital of Italy lies on the Tiber. d 2. My mother who visits me regularly helps look after the children.
\73.Thewoman who does my hair has just had a baby. ~Ma
Aj 4. Dorothy who does my hair has just had a baby.
A-5. The giant panda which is to be found in the remote parts of Chiną lives exclusively on bamboo shoots.
fj 6. She married a nice architect from Belfast whom she met on a bus. 0 7. She married a man whom she met on a bus. wUoiw —o t-UaV 8. Have you got a book which is really easy to read? - ^ ^ A
f\ 9.1 lent him The Old Man and the Sea which is really easy to read.
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