The story behind Th* Lost CoUcction
Duriny recent excavations in several abandoned western U-S- minin^ towns, rx Siren editor/arckaeoioa^ entkusiast <4iscouered crates oj oid, tattered diaries anći journals buried and lost jor morę tkań 100 t^ertrs.
Hot passion and dańna romance was «live anćl well amona^ tke inbrefid w omen oj tke ad lUest. <Siren f^uHiskin^ inwte^ a Jew oj our most 4istin^uisked bestseltimj autkots to take on new pseuilomyns and use tkeir ipta^inations to brin<^ to lije some oj tke lowe stories oj ike Oid lUest.
Once Siren releases tke 50tk book in Tke Lost Collection, we will reueal tke ićtentity c/j some oj tkese aotkors