BocauGo wo owe you somc-thmg morę thnn S123 30 u monlh
Becaute some of us can atili rcmembef wha! il was I ko when wo ww tn your DOOta.
The mi»U The Done-wean-neiiti Th« rain runnlng down :he Gsck of thn reck The iOu> hourn ón imd four hours oft We eonT dc onything about that Bacn.-an ifs oarl ot tne |ob II was then and I Stlll isnow
But tr*fłr> -a eomethlng we can do We can support
lho USO So you'11 havr> same piece to rołax. a lottor homo or |iiit talk to pec-plo tt msght mąko you forgoi tt>o łono-linasa tor a whlle Tho USO nnedn oo' holp be-cagoc il Qott* no goynmmom tunrfs i! dopends on peop* l-ko us to owo thrOogh tho United Fund. Communlty Cneet ot locnl USO camoaign So we II give .n we can Because wo know tr.e U$O s worfc isn't cono an tong aa mores one scryice-mon away from home Put yourself in hl* boots.