For years John W Campbell łokJ anyonc who asked nim about the la-bołs oi odiłmg Astoundmg and Analog. H'a easy Aii I do łs tead Stones ano have buli sessuons w>th the writera and artiats Miss Tarrant does 8ll me reai wortc" No ono over boi«vod him. bul l foond out mat it was perlectiy true
Catnofine Tarront is a very priwate person She nas alwayt siHinnod publicity She has always preferred to do ner work and lot Ihe Editor tako credit tor it Astoundmg and Anak>g have oeen ihe resul! o< her dedcation. her seitiessness. ner hord and pamstokmg nours ot totf.
On Juty 26. 1973. Kay rottred Itom Condó Nasi Pubiications She woukl probobły gel fłustered ii I mentioned anythmg about hor length ot service or how this magazine wili never bo ihe same without her As it s. even the briet notę w probabiy embarrassmg to her
But morę <s no other way ot Mytng o propor Tbank You" to her As-Tounding and Analog have been as much '‘your magazmes. Kay, os they were John Campber* or anyone etoe'». Good luck to you m your retiremont. God b*oss you We all miss you