Major narional and corporate interests join cogecher wirh che vestiges of ancicnr narion-states to form che Prime Committee. The Committee is mainly scen as a bureaucratic orgamzation whose task is to ensure public order and prevent another Autonomous Revolt. The Prime Committee escablishes che Defense and Wellness Council ;is a military and intelligence force. Its firsc high executive, Tul Jabbor, surprises the Prime Committees corporate fbunders by expanding the CounciTs authority and in sorne cases tuming on its sponsors (particularly OCHRĘ).
Creed Objectiw is founded by a reclusive mystic figurę known as the Bodhisattva.
The Prime Committee undergoes a major effort to fund the development of multi cechnology chrough-out the system._
OCHRĘ becomes a target of the Prime Committee, which seelcs to end the company s stranglehold on nanotechnology.
Dr. Plugenpacch agrees co special oversight and cooper-acion with the Defense and Wellness Council in order to avoid the same fate as OCHRĘ. The Corporation becomes a hybrid governmental/private sector induscry chat forms the bosis of medical treatment worldwide.
Death of Sheldon Surina. To honor his me mory. Sur i nas successors build the compound at Andra Pradesh and found Creed Surina.
Tul Jabbor is assassinated. His killers are never found, but many suspect OCHRĘ. After a protracted legał battle. Henry Osterman dies under mysterious cir-cumstances (some claim suicide). OCHRĘ bactles ovc*r his successor for several years to come, then finally dis-solves in 132.