

EX.2. Structural transformation of nano-GaN under high pressure

----nanccr^ta ire GaN ODwder, amie-itconciticrs

same GaN at:e* higr-p'essure:'eatement(i:J o :aj

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High pressure treatment of nanocrystalline GaN leads to transformations in its polytype structure. A simple model of introduction of stacking faults by random shifts of OOlh planes was used for simułation of strain-induced ■ disordering process in nanociystals. |

High pressure treatment up to S 20GPa in Diamond Anvil Celi (DAC) changes relative intensities of peaks, increases intensity between the peaks. It is caused by structural transformation: stacking faults evolution.

Influenc© of high pressure to the struciure otnano-GaN

(wciutior crstackncj rautóv>



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