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Fg. a) arid b): Lucjan Pijak, ‘Nanostruktora wybrarg*h...” 1998
sin ąr qr
Measrred intensityof SAS. can be approximated by: a
, włicrc:
o diameler of a particie (e.g. mi agclomerale)
Ap - iii ffconcc in cl cc Iron tlen siły of a materiał (eąy. SiC) and iis sunoiHiding <e.g. vacmun>
g(r) • correlatlon 1'unctlon of the scatterlnp particie
Norice: sińce scali cii nę inlcnsily ilq»nds on difference ofccclrcn
densities. the scatcerers can b? both: particles i.e.p. SIC eraiusj or pores. SAS experiment itself carit detennme lypc of llic S-Mllcrcr.
Then. the correlatioti tunctiou we can express as:
, where:
fir) - shuj>e fundion i:l*ilic agglnmcmlc (ilnc>n'l ma ller herc)
>'(r) - denslty of the agglomerate
Aggloincralcsgrown as fniclal slruclurcs havo Ihccondalion
kiiiI llicy scaller likc:
tor 1/A < q < I/a. wt.ere:
A diameter of aeglomecate a - diamelcr oL pa mary particie
Jt means: we can determfue mass fractal dimensfon L>m ol agglnmcralc hv .slmplc imusurcmcnl of slopc of.se a lic ring curvc.