(i.1,2 W-nare ihe centra ofan aicfalla uuiside lIie- ririita c:rthy 6.2.2 Annul?' sts&iinys or hnlrs nnd ryther featuraa nay be
!łK«:n nv:iilrr^ci, thc tfu wisi on ha o‘the rcdiussha' be braken dlriendcnad .13 shown in f ęjra A/.
Of intfcfrupiec acuordiriy Lu whether nr not i' ii; npcesKiry te locote thc centa 'ses figura 1ó).
Th? anjilee of ilie spaoings mery be Dnl7.ed tt cher nuinbei is ■awdriit wriho.it co-f^acn !aee rigurs 4fl).
6.1.3 Whcirt! thtr sina of Ihe radius san be bariyed Iron Ollier
Figury 4(t
Where ffi u o-stant fealures or u ‘'focmfy ans^Ted elcmcnti; :irn pyrt cif th:i dra'/,ing sigauFeelion, dimenaiuniy inay be ainplilied aa foliowa.
B.Z1 Limsar dodrjngs nuy tm a.nmsiririisi dii shown '" •igurt4h. lf Uia-e i3 anv poaaibilic-, -c>f ccnfuacn barween che lEfięith oJ thc spuoe pnę ihe nirnhir of ao;ir.Tię!?„ one ?qoce shell be tfnmaciried 9s kIiuwii In liyui“ '1ti.
#,2.3 Clreuli- Linnirign nyiy ba dimanalaneo inriiręęHy by g'ving thc nurrber of elfcilienis as shnwn in fipure ■'3.