7.2.3 Snhscguan* leveis are i-cfcated in ycfcal ero •5C^7tion& with an armwhK^cJ wilh Uarbs 31 Brl illCludfcc a-^:e *1 90r pointing to the reaL*c:iiv*lei.e! and attachad tc a sJiort f-in yertlWl liiiK-. The ^ĘTijcgl liro ę conneęlnd, :it right rmgkis, Uł ;i hnrijontal leadei lina 3b0'.'t whiuh is pfcced the approprate leve. cFnonsion fB« figura 63!'.
7.3 Lavela on horlzontal (piani vi«ivs and aectlons
7.3.2 The nurroriool volue of ;il ele.atiOn ul an uuHinp snuli bo located adtacem io ir a-d on the sanno side of ir aa the sui-fncE oa&psiated Willi Lhe elewJliLm lKi:n feruje f*5!-.
7.3.1 The -umeriaŁ ',alue ur the lęvd for g point fa sęeclIiL-I Cc a toni nha I hn plgocd obOYethe laedei lint Ihat is ncnnccced to an '"X". The "X" is iiucd to indicate the e*eci :xKi-ir<:n n- n portieubr point (sse figurę frn.
Figurę f>4
ir :ha spenifio loorition ptfnt ia oefireU :)y iwo ;rrtersecting Dutlinea, tha "X" shal1 hn ręplooed widn a dd“ .md :he numerical vslue of ifie afektem shoM ba lacateo .atim/e rhr eader linn 1h.it b gaterolgd f-drli Ilia drdu nn the same Slde Q1 tre autllne aa ihe ftuifwt? jssccatec wi;h ths nowotton J,ss= GC).
7.4 levefs on «ite layout
7-4.1 Lewis or ground prepe athm drnwinga ard Sita plan?, rdnall h; giygn P3 lolluws:
Chigina' ąrou—d igvel to bs used * OjOOO
New g-ound lavel +0,000
Origir.nl ground levd rici Irjriger v?i C [+0.000 )
74.Z Le./efc for Ltmtour lingę shall Iw kłeiitod on the upper siiin c-f 1tie COntOur linn .md shall Oe £K>e" as fpllowsr
Cnntour lino
OrbTigl conteur linę rx? kjngar v'alid
+ 1Ł3C0
' V
7.4.3 Elevadon dsturrs to be used whtm se“ing oiit dlmm-noes shflll be showri scj Fedęws;
Figur* 66