6.6.2 In rortmlly druwn wota śind psarlifll aaotiGr*;© of •JyTTi-matrical pana, tha dliraneion linesthat n©ad co iTcssthc! «xis«f fryrrmnlry ?.rr. shnwn «*t«ndwi .tlightły LłiyOrid Lh© akia of E1YIT1-metry: t"a asoond lenni^cion ia then orrittad is?c f?<pirę f>7|.
fig Uf# 59
7 Indicatión of l0v*l€
6.6.3 Wh::n: •scwjrtl pEria 9re dr#*n and d lienaicnad in an aaaa-nbly, th© gioupa oxdimen©ion©rel3?©dto cvich pnrt nhnulri bv kcpt 35 scpireft! Hfp pciswitiln |j«e figura 5fli.
1©veIe. shcll h© ©kpreaacd in wopnote u-te from a p red eter rrirind IwsrT-zaru lewi.
7.2.1 T-a prE-dac&r mred bEsa-iaro I©veI on verticel viesve and Eectiona sn#*l ba indicotcH wfrh n dp©csri -irrij^cod tvrth b^rti© Kt nr "-duded firigla Ol Ł7J15. I Aa acr0sr-11&ad Sha i :x>inl L:j a hoiLomsl lin©. ahall b© l^lf filted in.. prp gigii beconnacceCtoa hori^pntnl Iraadrr linn by mearis Ol a słu;rl Chin lin- i.sm figur© 611.
6.3.4 Son©t:TI©© "t is neę©ę©pry to CTnęfirjfin a linrLod araa -ar !-ngCh n? n si.rfane Cu indiuaL* a sp©Oi9l OOrditu n. In EUC" il> aLancaa, ch© ara© or langtr and it© ocztion orz indirarnd by u lon^thirk rhnin linr, ririiwn arijac-ril and pa*allE4 tOth.-S surfa-© Mrid el a sluii diaianca -ren i:.
If thn !;psx:L9l rwjirener-i la applladtoan ©lament of rcwiufon. Ch£ indloation ©noll hę shpwn 0“i nnn frrin o"ty lss« figura 591.
WliCr© "h© locoti-on ond ©Kr©nt o* t*c C«pnrinl moiL^rrcint m q u i r cr, hfcsncilL-aibii, :ha a-.tfOpriat© d'iienacn5ng is
ii£C£&se-V. How©ver 'Ml©1# the dwnfl clę©rV show? thę ©*•
tpit of th!? rncicaiiun, dimsjfisiuning is ruU nćuaaaary (siss Tiyui© 0(>'i.
Figura BI
7.2.2 If t i© r©quir#d to indicetc thp prtrtudc of th© oas©-2Ero lęvęl, t"ę b.i!;i^?nro symbol is ••riuUiritd Lu Tridudn 0,000
dirsoi v ©oca© and th# actusl oltrtudfi diraedy balCM' ihe horiior.tcil Iwricr linn |s<!ii figum €21.
7 582