'The whole structure of the cosmos could be ot stoke -and the focus of łhe danger is here on Earth.'
Bernice sighed. 'Charity begins at Home.'
Kelzen, o chootic fotce in the mind of on unborn twentieth-century eoithling. Jirenol, intent on conqueting a futurę society of dreomers and telepoths. Shonstro, evil incornate - the conflicts on Godrell Major ore her sport ond the trogedies of humons ore her entertoinment.
Ihey ore Sensopoths, their minds ottuned to the col!ective unconscious, their power unleoshed like o wild onimol into the physicol world. One by one. the TAROIS hos locoted them. While Bernice foces the life-ond-deoth struggle of o coloniol wor, with only o hologrom of the Doctor to help her, the Doctor himself musi confront the oll-powerful trinity.
Full-length, originol novels bosed on the longest running science-fiction television series of oll time, the BBC's Ooctor Who. The New Adventures toke the TARDIS into previously unexplored reolms of spocę ond time.
Doniel Blythe, o prize-winner ot the 1 994 Kent literoture Festivol, is the outhor of severol short stories ond the ocdoimed New Adventure The Dimension Riders. He now lives in Sheffield.
ISBN 0-426-20437-9
Science fiction/TV tie-in
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