o8if aa03

o8if aa03

K Sonic* Codo Ind** bf Fil* H«w


1II* Nam*

Click on óla namns n 13. lir to <fepUy k« contenla t>**<iipti»n


Oemenstrites how you can cause a deaołoc* in you- program **on working wtn autooptroji traritactions


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Oerronstrates use of function lo Irac* SCL actfefiy; &s an aLtonoracus tiansacton t. can *vąn do a ccftimc




Dernonstrates JM SEEtA.lZABLE isolal on opiion for auloncraous trarsact ons

rtarrt^nfttrcfa« n<* rt ciiftr Aftf 4Hi(*#t« ir* riałAhlt4A |finft*»«


ai/ortfKiaaf/ cal

Socord Itąiadon domonstiadno th* us* of aulononnous 1r»nsa:lions In dstabaa* tńaaors


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Tni-d tcralior dcrnomlraling the esc of autonemous tramact ons n databoso Iriegers Tł-is

w-sion s t-cres IKS! a RAJ SE m The AUIONOMOUS JSWJSACTICN procedur* wll cau«e ar a itcmatic rolback of thn OML F/a*nę inne* r's tha Ioo4»val bloc« in ih« iransaclicn


aq sęl

Runs Ihrough ic*cral steps logurcd lo set up ar Adraneed Gucuing qucuc tablc anc qucuc and then demonsiratee hcwlo use AD to set up a datasas* trigger to trać* logns to the dalabaa*


aaistan sal

DsmonjttaUs IM now LSTEN taoiMil* of Adyanced Ousuna.



A MT cif fićs uved to demonstiate the AIJTHO feature cf Orać *€i Tli* aulhid.sql fić runs al con-maodo ir or* sęouertą Ycu can r jn the olhor antnid * flee. to e*ąci.r<> ?.oecific acticrn;


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a'J!hid3. sel

Conlains i Łasic dstrotisbalrurt u'A.UIHD L JPPEUT USER frater*


ai/hid4 5cl

Demonstration of AUTHCdlmwerfjnctonality in wtnch l bler.j shared actessto pę-pęoator tahln włh indrodi.aiTeri ochotna :*W«c for stolnn Iiyos Thi* ącnpt assumna :hv you h»<n

areaCY buli Ib* Chicago. mny yor* and HQ . -Imrnas. alwio with IMr lablas and otjcadjits.


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Oemonstration ofcombinatlon ofDEFINER and C«JRRENT_U3ER access to Wend Ohered and irdwd ial data


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UliWy Ihaft alows you lo pass a Bcolaan e*pressiori to DBMS_OUTPUT PUMJNE tu be dsota»ed


nmonrA' "•(•'•iw.*** rvł pAmnl ta» H ■lnmnr*> HJ^FOTr nrwł Mnll* hlCł“OT^ Onv.v


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