Obrazek 21

Obrazek 21

Twt Półroczny A Moduły [S

Test Półroczny A Struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne

A Znajdź btędy w następujących zdaniach i przepisz zdania poprawnie.    (10 points)

0    What does she do at the moment?

What is she doiny at the mement?_

1    We have gone to Mexico three times.

2 My sister is a joumalist and she is interviewing many people.

3 I usually have some sandwiches and the glass of orange juice for breakfast.

4 When I was a child 1 was playing football every Sunday.

5 The animals are hungry because I haven't already fed them.

6 That's OK. I don't mind to open the window.

7 Stop it, boys! I am tired with you making so much noise!

8 I don't have breakfast in the morning. I just have shower and go guickly to work.

9 Where have you bought thls cotton wonderful black shirt?

B Napisz czasowniki podane w nawiasie

w odpowiednim czasie.    (8 points)

0    My grandmother gąyę (give) me this ring 10 years ago.

1    I_(not believe) he is only 25.

He must be older.

2    George_(break) his leg twice last


3    Tm sorry but Dr Harris is not here. He never _(work) in the mornings.

4    The sky is very elear. It_(be)

a beautiful day.

5    She looks very sad. I think that's because her

boyfriend_(leave) her.

6    John, this is Mark. We_(do) the

same course at the university.

7    The teacher saw them while they_

(kiss) in front of the school.

8    I hope I_(have) morę time for my

hobbies next year.

C Zakreśl odpowiedź prawidłowo uzupełniającą zdania.

(4 points)

0    Fm not really interestingĄinterestea)in politics.

1    Can you imagine to live/living in the nineteenth century without television and mobile phones?

2    One of my legs is a bit shorter than another/ the other.

3    I don't really like listening to music/the musie.

4    There is/are many things 1 would like to do in the futurę.

5    None/Neither of my three brothers and two sisters are keen on sport.

6    You mustn't/don't have to put on your evening dress. The occasion is not very format.

7    We are all very tali, but Jane is taller/the tallest of us.

8    You don't really need many/a lot of money to organize a trip to Africa.

10 Fm sorry, but Mr Smith mustn#t see you right now. He is talking to another Client.


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