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Dear <Tide> <Narre>:
It is wrth considerable mlerest thal I encose my resume for the Musie Teache* posłion currenlly availabłe wth the <Scłiccl Distract>. Wdh aln»ost 20 yea's of music-relaled experience. and over 15 years as a teacher. I am ccnfident in my ability to become an asset to your cducaticnal inslitutton.
As ycu wll notę. I have acq jireo both a Masters of Musie Deg'ee and a Bachelors Degree m Educaticn in add :ion. I am certified in muNiple areas induding a Caiifornia Prelim na-y Single Subject Teaching Credental: Musie. Pre-K-12 and a Calilomia Higfi Schód Certiticate >vith Elemcrlary Endorsement: Musie, K-12
As a msatilc ndvidual, I havc bad tho ooportunily to hołd a rumber of pfcfcsstorw' rolcs induding Musie Teacho-. Musfctan Instmctor. and Prhrate Musie Instructor Throuoh :hese experlences, t have been forlunate enougn to educate a duerse group of elementary and m ddle school students who f-retored belew- and on grade evel.
My eoal is to kiśli* a sonso af musie approciaticn, witki at tho samo limo teaching st-donts about tho tochnica' aspects ot musie. Furthermore, t s!nve to expand chiłdren s mterests by organizng tield tnps. mtegratmg multicultura' lcsson5, and incorporat ng a widc rango of act vitos, manipulativcs. and cocpcrativc leaming prcjccts. By utilizing these et1ective metheds, I am able to reach out to each student mtroduee new concepts, toster a fun learnlnc envlronment. and heto students dossom nto we>rounded ndiYicuals
In closiryj. I lock faiward to mceting wHh you to discuss in groater dotarł tiov/1 can oontributc to tho ccotir.od success of ycur musie program. If you have any pusstons. of isoulc like lo set a t me to meet. please fed fres to contact me a: the number isted abovc. In the nterim. thark you fer ycur tirre and considcration.
Julio Junc 3'o/m