CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 7

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 7

positionmg against the cake s-des. Cut two pieces to cover the er.ds and deccrate them m the same way. usmg sugar giue to secure each corner

For the handle, colour 7g <'Aoz) of the modelling pastÄ™ cream Roli out and cut a tbin strip measurmg 9cm (3’&n). Bend each end round and put it aside. With the cream iÅ„mmmgs model the apple cores. pinching to create uneven surfaces that resembie bite marks. then put them aside. Cotour 45g (lY.oz) ot the modelling pastÄ™ iight bro-wn Roli out 7g (Y.oz) and cut a stnp for the top of the cenie basket.


1 r Colour 14ÓQ (4’Aoz) of the modelling pastę brown Using lOOg (3v;oz).

I J model Yogi's long. teardrop-shaped body. Slightly smooth his back to indent it. whtch will also push out his tummy. and press the neck area (lat. Using 22g (V.oz) shape h>s head. cutting the top fiat. and put it all aside to set.

1 £ Model a flattened circSe for his cc;ar using jusi under 7g (".oz) of the whlte I U modellir.g pastÄ™ and indent at the front using the tip of a knife. Stick Yogfs body into the ranger with his coÅ‚lar on top. ma king surÄ™ the figurÄ™ sits straight and is weli baianced. Stick a smali bali of biack modelling pastÄ™ onto the back of the steering wheel and then stick the wheel into position

Sptit 7g ('/.oz) of the brown modelling pastÄ™ m half and use this for Ycgfs two legs Roli the first one into a sausage shape that is slightly narrower at one end Bend the narrow end round to shape a foot. pmching it gently to mark a heel Mark lwice at the toe area using the tip of a knife. Bend the fuli end round and press it fiat. then stick the leg in place. Make the second leg.

For his arms. split 7g t"«oz) of the brown modelling pastÄ™ in half. Roli one naif into 3 long sausage shape. s&ghtly narrower at one end Pinch around the narrow end to create a wrist that then rounds off a smaii hand. Make a cut. slightly to one side of the hand for the thumb. and then make two morÄ™ cuts along the top to separate the fingers. Smooth each finger gently to iengthen it Press in halfway up the arm and pmch out at the back to mark the elbow. Then stick it in place with the hand resting on the steering wheel. Make the second arm m the same way.

For Yogi's muzzle, first cctour just over 7g (V.oz) of the modeliing pastÄ™ dark cream. Split it aimost m hatf. so that one bil is slightly larger than the other Put the smalier piece aside for Boo Boo later. Using the larger half and the template (see p.94). shape the mouth area and separate muzzle and stick both in place. Smooth out the jom usmg your finger, rubbing gently with icmg (confectioner s) sugar at the sides onty Mark dimples with the miniaturÄ™ circle cutier pressed m at an angle indem the muzzle down the centre usmg a knife. then mark whiskers using the tip of a cocktail stick (toothpick).

Horo nr o all tho components that you nettd to build up Yogi Bear.

This shows Yogi in position. The steering wheel was stuck in place atter his body but boforo his arms.


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