At Bugs Bunny s nose aroa. stick two smali, fiattened bails of grey one on top of the other Then split a smali pea-sized amoun; of white in half. roli the pieces mto bali shapes and use them for his muzzfe. Shape his teeth and mdent down the centre of them us»ng the back of a knife For his eyes. model two ftaitened ovak of white and stick these onto his face. spaced so that they are slightly wider apad a! the top
Butla up Bugs Bunnyfs hond grndunny, working on the white mouth uren fłrst and ending with his ears.
Edge the top of each eye with a smali tapenng sausage of grey. and ihen make four bny sausage shapes that taper to a po.nt for his hair. stickmg them onto tne top of his head and smoothmg them down at the back to remove the join. Cołour a tiny amount of modei ing pastę black and use it to make two cval-shaped pupiis. Cdour another tiny piece of pastę pmk and make his tnangular-shaped nose
Indont down the sides of each car rot leaf with a cocktail stick.
To make Bugs 8unny's ears. split the remainmg grey modelling pastÄ™ in half and ro'i each piece into a sausage that tapers at either end Press in the centre cf each sausage with ycur finger to mdent it. Colour the remainmg modelbng pasie ver/ paie pmk/peach uslng a touch of pmk and orange food colcunng pastÄ™ and use it to fili each ear
For extra support. stick the ears together Moisten the top of Bugs Bunny’$ head with sugar glue and then stick his ears on. holding for a few moments umil they are secure. Tum out the tip of each ear very slightly. but make surę they are both weli baianced. Press the head onto the sugar stick m his body and secure it at the base with sugar glue
Use the remainmg green sugarpaste to make all the carroi leave$ Model a smali, flattened sausage first and then push m the tip of a cocktail stick down each side a number of times. Make a leaf for each carrot and posltion them to help hide any cake that is showing through