~\ A Colour 200g (6 .02) of the model mg pastę mauve. Benny is Z U modelled fiat. then piaced on a foam sheet to dry completely before being positioned agamst the cake. Model his body first. using 60g (2oz) of t'ne mauve pastę. To make his feet. spłit 22g (%oz) of the mauve in half and make his feet in the same way as you did Top Oat s. but make the legs much shorter
The componcnls for Benny aro on the right; details and waistcoat to the lett
shape that tapers at both ends Make a cut that goes two-thirds of the way down the centre. leaving a third of it uncut at one end. Open the cut up and cut into each resultmg piece down the middle to make four sections Pinch up an edge aiong the top of each section and then bend them into position. Set the banana skin aside for later.
For his head. roli a bali using 90g (3oz) of the mauve modelling pastę and stick it onto the body. Using 7g (v«oz) of the mauve. make his ears as you did Top Cafs. but make them slightty wtder. Aiso model four fur pieces. smoothing them into the sides of his face
Usmg 7g ('Aoz) ol the white modelling pastÄ™, roi out and cut hi$ waistcoat usmg the template (see p.94) Stick this m place and add a smali, flattened circte as a button. To make his arms. Split the remammg mauve in half Model the arms as you did for Top Cafs. but make them much shorter and do not indent elbows into them Keep them a iittle fulier at the shouider. To help stick each arm secureiy. make two smali rndents at each side of his body using your fmger Then stick the arms in each recess. posittonmg them and sticking them agamst his head for extra support
J Colour 22g /.oz) of the modelling pastÄ™ flesh using cream with a liny Z D amount of dark red To make Benny's face. model a flattened cirde for his
eye area. and then make his inner ears Use the template to make his muzzle.
"T A With the remaining biack modÄ™ ng pastÄ™, make Benny's eyes. eyebrows,
Z \ nose ar.d mouth area and stick an in place Aiso stick a flattened cirde onto the smali food lin V.'ith the blue/grey sugarpaste trimmings. model flattened oval shapes for pebbies and stick them randomly over the surface of the cake board, and then model the fish head and taii
nr To make the fish bonę. thiniy roli out 7g (7«oz) of the whilemodel ng pastę Z D and Cu: a long stnp for the backbone. and then sma l strips of various
lengths. Assemble the fish bonÄ™ with the slightly longer strips at the centre Thiniy roli out the remaining while pastÄ™ and cut oblong shapes for the newspaper and arrange it all around Top Cat.
/* Wnen the cake is dry. stick Benny in place, holding him untii he is secure Z O Then position the trash can lid. restmg it agamst the irash can for support Dilute a iittle brown tood colounng pastÄ™ with a drop of water Using the fine paintbrush paint the banana and then stick it in place. Dilute some Wack colouring pastÄ™ and lightly paint scnbbled Imes to resembie newsprin;
Model the flnlshing touches and stick Benny in place agalnst the trash can.