To make his legs. split 250g (8oz) of the brown in half. Roli one half into a long sausage with a rounded end. To shape the foot. bend the rounded end and pinch out a heel. Press either side of the foot to lengthen ii and round ołf the toe area Make two cuts to separate the toes and pinch gentiy to remo-rn the ridges Bend the leg halfway up. pinchmg ii gentiy to create a knee. and then position it Make the second leg. Colour 7g ('Aoz) of the sugarpaste slightly paler brown and model flattened circies for the footpads.
For the tablecloth. thinly roli out I85g (6oz) of the white sugarpaste and cut a 25cm (lOin) square. Arrange this cn the front of the cake board. pleating it up tov/ards Taz and puHing the two top corners around his sides Roli out another 100g (3Voz) and cut a strip measunng 12 x 25cm (5 x 10in) Fold pleats into it and arrange it around the back of Taz. pulling the two ends around. Colour lOCg (3'Aoz) of the sugarpaste bfue. Thinly roli out a littie at a time and cut sguares to make up the tab!ecloth's chegucrcd pattern.
Colour 250g (8oz) of the sugarpaste golden brov/n usmg brown with a touch of yellow. To make the hotdogs. split lOOg (3V.oz) of the pastÄ™ mto two preces and roli them into sausage shapes. pressing them fiat to make each bun base Colour the remaining sugarpaste pale yellow Roli out and cut two obiong shapes for the cheese.
Split the remaining chestnut brown m half and roli it to create the two sausages. Thinly roli out the green trtmmmgs and cut out ftower shapes usmg the pnmrose cutter. Chop thesc and drape them over the sausages. Put aside 7g (/.oz) of the golden brown. then split the rest and make the bun tops as ihe bases. but make them thicker. Stick the hotdogs in place.
To make an arm. roli 75g (2'/.oz) of the brown sugarpaste into a long teardrop shape and bend ił halfway up. pmchmg out an elbow. Press the połnted end fiatter to make the wrist Stick the fuller end against the side of Taz to make his shoulder. and Stick the wrist against his mouth for support. Make the second arm m the same way
For hands. spin I25g (4oz) cf Ihe brown sugarpaste in half. Model a long teardrop and press down on the top to flatten >t a littie Make two deep cuts across the top to separate the fingers. Smooth them to romove the ndges and round off each tip Stick the hand m place, smoothmg mto the surface of the wrist and make the second one Cut up the remaining golden brown to make crumbs and stick these over his mouth and the back of his hand.
Usmg the rest of the brown sugarpaste. model different-sized teardrop shapes and use these for the fut smoothir>g mto the cake surface to remove joins. Position three pieces each on either side of his head sticking upwards The fur on top of his head comos forward and is smoothed in at the back. Edge the top of each shoulder with smaller pieces of fur and stick liny pieces of fur onto the top of each ear and at the elbows
Arrango the tablecloth piocos. fokhng over and hiding joins with biur sguares.
Assembln Ihe cheese. sausage and lettuce shapes on the bottom bun.
Model Taz's arms and position them. Then make the hands. smoothing the joins closed.