Pmch aii the way around to make a hexagonal shape and then press the top of the lampshade to mdent it. Neaten the base of the shade usmg a knife. Make the second lampshade in the same way. then push them bcth onto the sugar sticks m each lamp base to check the fi; Remove them and altów to dry completeiy before assembimg.
•i ^ Colour I40g (4Vioz) of the modelling pastę flesh-coloured using golden I Z brown and pink 'ood coiounng pastes Pul as:de 7g (’/ioz). then spiit the rest into three equal pieces and model ovai heads with smites. Slick one cnto the headboard. !eaving room for the body when the headboard is positioned.
-1 o Cotour 22g (’/*oz> of the modelling pastę black. and just under 7g ('Aoz)
I J each of blue and green. Using the circle cutters. sizes 2.5cm (lin) down to miniaturÄ™, and the very thmty rolled out white. blue. green. deep pink and black modelling pastÄ™, make aii the eyes. Use sugar glue and push the remaming two heads onto the sugar sticks in each pil Iow Place pieces of foam under them for support whtle drying.
•i A Model the girls’ nightdresses usmg the rest of the blue. green and deep I i pink modelling pastes. pinching an edge around each base. and stick them m position. Model six teardrop-shaped arms and legs using the remainmg flesh-coloured modelling pastę Modet smali flattened baiis of white modelling pastę. Cul each in haif and use tc edge the nightdresses.
-] r Colour 22g (}Aoz) of the modelling pastę golden brown. Using Blossom’s I D hair template (see p 93). ro« out the gdden brown pastę and cut out her ha^r shapes. Stick the top part onto her head. smoothmg around the back Stick the second piece onto the headboard.
Colour 30g (1oz) of the modelling pastę yeilow. Take half and follow Bubbles hair template (see p93) to cut out her hair Slick il in ptace and model her bunches. Roli out the rest of the black modelling pastę and cut out Bultercup’s hair usmg the template (see p.93). Stick ił in place and smooth the end. curling it upwards.
U Cotour 7g (’/<02) of the modelling pastę purple. To make the bunny. model half of this pastę into an cva!-shaped head (see the picture on the ngm as a guide). With the rest. make two Icng ears and a flattened b3li for the body. Use smali cułs to make arms and legs. and mark a litlle cross for the moulh. Make eyes with black and white modelling pastę thmmmgs.
1 Q Colour the rest of the modelling pastę deep red. Model BlossonYs hair bow. I O the eyes and noses on the lamp bases and the bunny’s ta i Stick the headboard in place. Lastly. thinly roli out the remaming yeilow modelling pastę and cut out stars to decorate around the cake board edge
9 9
Layor up the dittcrenł circlcs to creato the girls' eyes.
Smooth tho botlom ot Buttcrcup's hair to curl it upwards.
Cut out differont-siied stars to decorate the edge ot tho board.