Carefully position the cake centraily on the cake board Press mto the surface of the planet using your tinger to make craters. and then make mdented circle patterns with the cutters. Protect the cake board with some kitchen paper and then randomiy dust the surface cf the planet with yełlow dustmg powder (petal cust/błossom tint) using the dusting brush.
MÄ…ko indontod circles on tho planet's surface with clrclo cutters.
4Cok>ur 45g (1 YtOZ) of the modelling pastę pale grey using biack food cdounng pasie. Put aside 7g (7«oz). then model the remaining p-ece into a sausage shape. tapehng each end. Press mto the top to hollow it out silghtiy so that Marvin's body can be stotted into it later Uft up the spaceship at each end using smali pieces of foam to support it for a few mcments untii it has set. Gentiy roli the kmfe over the ship to mark lines. and then indent with a cocktail stick (toothpick)
With the remaining grey modelling pastÄ™, roli out and cut two smali obtong shapes for the door flaps. two smali stnps to edge the top and a 2cm (%in) circle. Press the circle in the centre to indent it then. using a miniaturÄ™ circle cutter. cut a hole in the centre and circles around the edge. Roli a smali bali and indent it m the centre by pushmg the end of a pamtbrush mto it. Stick on the door flaps and stnps vnth sugar glue and assemble the remaming pieces on the back of the spaceship.
This picturc show* the basie spaceship compononts mado front grey pasto.
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Dust the spaceship with the edible silver powder then stick it carefully to the top of the planet Colour 7g (V4oz) of the modeliing pastÄ™ red Usmg haif. model two elongated teardrop shapes and press each fiat. curvmg the points around. Press the rounded ends completely fiat. then stick them to the back of the spaceship using smali pieces of foam sponge for support while drying. Make two morc teardrops. a nule smalier. and stick them on opposite sides.
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Build up the grecn helmot on Marvin's head by using tho tcmplatas on p.94.
7 With the remaming red modelling pastÄ™, make the rest of the pieces for the spaceship. then shape a smali ovai for Marvin's body and roli a thm sausage for his sleeve. rolling one end to a point Stick in position using smali pieces of foam sponge for support. Push the sugar stick or length of raw. dned spaghetti down through Marvirfs body and mto the spaceship. !eaving half protrudmg to help support his head when it is positioned later